genshin impact hunger games

one time ayato kamisato was in district 11 and suddenly this lady named yae miko took his named out of a bucket “hello everyone ayato kamisato is the tribute for district eleven lol” she said to a loudspeaker, the cameras were rolling this was a NATIONAL BROADCAST
and ayato was like uwu i don’t wanna die but all of a sudden yae miko ALSO pulled ayaka kamisato name out of the bucket “omg!!!! siblings BOTH will die lololol!!!” she cackled evilly, and so ayatos tears rolled down his face because he knew he w as gonna die to protect ayaka ueueue
anyway they got kidnpaped onto a train all the way to the caspitol. the raiden shogun was the president!!!!!
“hey bitches” said the raiden shogun pulling up in her robot car. “ur gonna mostly die except for one of u,” and then she left…
and ayato and ayaka’s trainor mentor who was the one formerly winner for district eleven was non other than… YAE MIKO
“hey kiddos im gonna teach u how to commit murder,” she said smiling all cute.
“wait aren’t u the lady who pulled our names out of the bucket –” said ayaya
“anyways what is ur favorite colors, foods and ur sign? we need to prepare u for the interviews so u r very popular uwu” said yae miko who was keeping her hidden identity as a rebellion leader secret so that she was not going to get decapitated.
so then they we to interviews with nahida, a short child, and they were wearing really good outfits like for example ayato was wearing a glittery crop top and ayaka was wearing thirty five knives, they looked great, nahida said “so how are u 2 feeling about the hunger gamez lolz??”
“i am going to kill u” said ayato, pointing at raiden shogun from across the auditorium and she stuck her tongue out at him and also called him a mean name.
“i am gonna protect my brother ayato,” ayaka swore and she even made a blood pact.
and then they got very popular because ayaka is the ultimate waifu she even wins against raiden shogun and ayato is ok too i guess.
anyway the next day they sent everyone to the training room where even though they were all supposed to killed each other eventually decapitation was banned so far. when they went into the training room ayato and ayaka found out about all the other tributes from the other districts.
the tributes from district 1 were itto and kuki, itto was running around destroying things with a giant club like he caused so much property damage the bosses were crying because it was so expensive to fix, and then kuki was twirling a knife and beaming psychic threats into peoples minds. for example in ayaka’s mind she heard the threat “i will consume ur blood and become a higher being for my lord and savior jashin sama”
after that was the distruct 2 tributes who were diona (catgirl) and razor (wolf boy). diona kept saying ‘meow’ and ayaka realized she doesn’t speak englishe. razor kept saying grr and suddenly ayaka realized he also didn’t speak English
and the distrct 3 ones were gorou and kokomi gorou was shooting arrows at peoples facing kokomi was in a tank because she has gills and can’t breath above water…
omg there were so many people
district 4: klee (bombs) and albedo (science)
district 5: scaramouche (his mom threw him to the dogs lel) and la signora (murder)
district 6: mona (rip lol) and zhongli (ostmahtus whine.>>)
district 7: fioschl and bennet
district 8: kazuha and beidou
district 9: heizou and lesser lord kusanlai
district 10: xingqiu and madam ping
district 12: hu tao and childe the serial killer whale
anyway they all got thrown into the hunger games pit and ayato was protecting ayaka but in the end she swallowed some poison berries so ayato could live because she is a nice sister like that and then ayato lived in depression and alcoholism for the rest of his days the end